showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtagspersp.displaydescription
Mini Ninjas Eidos Interactive (IO Interactive)2009 adv-static ancientenemy animals autosavepoints avianoids balancebeams bludgeons boating bombs bossbattles bows caltrops captives castle cave characterswitch chemistry claws colorcodednpcs deathpits difficulty dodging energyregen fishing flood forest ghosts gianthumanoids hintsystem invisiblewalls japanese-theme ledges magic meleeweapons mountain multilingual mystics nature-theme ninja ninja-theme ninjaprotagonist nofalldamage objectiveindicator openended opponentpowerdisplay polearms possession premadecharacters projectiledeflection quicktimeevent rewardingvandalism river rooftops ruins samurai savepoints secrets shallowwater shopping silentprotagonist sledding smokegrenades sorcery speech-japanese stamina stealth stunning superdeformed swimming swords thrownweapons titularcharacter town tutorial unusualprotagonist vernal walljumping wallrunning warriorprotagonist wintery xp-kills dtextured polygonsPrepare yourself for a Ninja adventure like you have never seen before! Join Hiro, the smallest hero on the biggest adventure, as he embarks on an epic and electrifying quest to restore harmony to a world on the brink of chaos. Use your skills and mighty Ninja training to battle a magical army of evil Samurai. Harness the power of your Kuji magic and utilise the special skills of your Mini Ninja friends as you travel through a perilous world to reach the final confrontation with the Evil Samurai Warlord in his Fortress of Doom. labelimagesubject